Franchise Tax Board (FTB) Follows IRS Payment Extension for Taxpayers Affected by Boston Marathon Explosions

The Franchise Tax Board (FTB) announced that California individual taxpayers affected by the Boston Marathon explosions will be given late payment penalty relief.

The IRS announced Tuesday in their news release IR-2013-43 a three-month tax filing and payment extension to Boston area taxpayers and others affected by Monday’s explosions. California already provides an automatic six month extension to file a personal income tax return until October 15. FTB will, upon request, waive the late payment penalty for affected taxpayers.

Upon request, FTB will abate late payment penalties for affected taxpayers who pay their taxes, normally due by April 15 for the 2012 tax year, by July 15, 2013. Interest owed on payments made after the April 15 deadline is not waived. Affected taxpayers include individual taxpayers who live in Suffolk County, Mass., including the city of Boston. It also includes victims, their families, first responders, others impacted by this tragedy who live outside Suffolk County and individual taxpayers whose tax preparers were adversely affected.

Taxpayers will receive a bill for the late payment penalty through our normal noticing process. Taxpayers who received a late payment penalty can contact FTB at 800.852.5711 to request the relief.

Taxpayers needing forms or other information can visit FTB online at